Ignoring Our Emotions Is Turning Your Back Reality

Emotions And Reality Famous Quotes & Sayings

List of top 43 famous quotes and sayings about emotions and reality to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 43 Emotions And Reality Quotes

#1. Pity is one of the noblest emotions available to human beings; self-pity is possibly the most ignoble ... [It] is an incapacity, a crippling emotional disease that severely distorts our perception of reality ... a narcotic that leaves its addicts wasted and derelict. - Author: Eugene H. Peterson

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1336511

#2. The appearance of things changes according to the emotions; and thus we see magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves. - Author: Kahlil Gibran

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1069447

#3. Perception is reality to the one in the experience. - Author: Danielle Bernock

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1126141

#4. In essence, all of our words evoke, develop, and bring forth our reality. We always have the power to choose our words and our reality. - Author: Julie Reisler

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1158690

#5. All the thoughts/images in our minds, and all the emotions connected with our thoughts will sooner or later manifest as our reality. - Author: Maddy Malhotra

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1174522

#6. Our exterior world affects our internal landscape, our inner world affects our interpretation of physical sense impressions, and the combination of emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations influences how we address reality. - Author: Kilroy J. Oldster

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1212884

#7. What you think is an illusion created by your glands, your emotions and, in the last analysis, by the content of your stomach. That gray matter you're so proud of is like a mirror in an amusement park which transmits to you nothing but distorted signals from reality forever beyond your grasp. - Author: Ayn Rand

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1237146

#8. The intense roller coaster of emotions will gradually lesson over time. But there is no timeframe for the grieving process, and it will not be rushed, no matter how fast you'd like to "get over it." The reality is that there is no getting over it; you can only walk through it. - Author: Elizabeth Berrien

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1265657

#9. Emotions rage inside me, something like a world war twisting inside my stomach and poking holes in my lungs. I can't pick apart reality from fantasy - does that mean insanity isn't far from my reach? - Author: K. Weikel

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1278371

#10. It's all about emotions, they rule us all. The way we perceive reality is linked to how happy or sad we are, it even affects our perception of time, so this is an emotional problem and I am unable to fathom it at all. - Author: Steve Merrick

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1285987

#11. Thoughts might not be solid and always obtainable, but they become your reality when emotions are attached to them. Over time, they become your wants and form an attachment to your behavior. - Author: Shannon L. Alder

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1332212

#12. Ignoring our emotions is turning our back on reality. Listening to our emotions ushers us into reality. And reality is where we meet God. . . . Emotions are the language of the soul. They are the cry that gives the heart a voice. . . - Author: Peter Scazzero

Emotions And Reality Quotes #939387

#13. [I have] occasional depersonalization disorder, (which makes me feel utterly detached from reality, but in less of a "this LSD is awesome" kind of way and more of a "I wonder what my face is doing right now" and "it sure would be nice to feel emotions again" sort of thing). - Author: Jenny Lawson

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1489847

#14. This whole notion that the robot has to declare nuclear war is one part of the discussion, but it may not be reality. Reality is, maybe it can empathize to a far greater degree than we can and experience a way wider range of emotions. So, why not have a robot that can do that? - Author: Neill Blomkamp

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1495243

#15. Nothing will change if you worry. Rather it may aggravate negative emotions within you. Don't waste your time worrying. - Author: Maddy Malhotra

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1509135

#16. We all choose our way of life, and that makes us who we are. We're not a reflection of our choice, we're a choice. - Author: Sarvesh Jain

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1516573

#17. Do you imagine the universe is agitated? Go into the desert at night and look at the stars. This practice should answer the question. - Author: Lao-Tzu

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1531181

#18. The dreamers, those who misread the actual state of affairs and act upon their emotions, are often the source of the greatest mistakes in history - the wars that are not thought out, the disasters that are not foreseen - Author: Robert Greene

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1550035

#19. There are only two emotions: one is Love and the other is fear. Love is our true reality. Fear is something our mind has made up, and is therefore unreal. - Author: Gerald G. Jampolsky

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1818321

#20. Corporeal reality is much more rich and precious than we realize. It feels good to have a body, to surge on currents of emotion, to have nerve endings, mitochondria in our cells, tangible focused energy, the embodiment of light - given a voice. - Author: Laurie Perez

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1819108

#21. She understood very clearly why people go mad. Sometimes it is the only way to survive the unbearable when all other flight has been cut off. When the body cannot remove itself and emotions cannot be deadened, then the mind simply refuses to accept reality. - Author: Anne Perry

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1849695

#22. Spend your time with family and people you love. Don't wait for festivals be with them, each moment you're with them, that's a festival. - Author: Sarvesh Jain

Emotions And Reality Quotes #1863545

#23. It's understandable why someone would like their entertainment to provide an escape from modern day worries and the reality of war. We feel this record creates a healthy opportunity to process some of these emotions rather than deny them. - Author: Eddie Vedder

Emotions And Reality Quotes #427362

#24. For so long I'd wanted my life to be nothing more than a dream. Now, with emotions and sensations flooding me, I wanted this reality. - Author: Gena Showalter

Emotions And Reality Quotes #37024

#25. Writers of literature, if they are real writers, know that their readers are confused about reality and the emotions derived from that reality and are looking for clarity concerning the life that they are engulfed in. - Author: Noah Cicero

Emotions And Reality Quotes #62720

#26. When I was a child, I did always feel that people were hiding things, and that they weren't expressing their true feelings. When adults are too complicated, and cover their emotions with layers of well-intentioned subterfuge, the child isn't seeing reality clearly enough and gets upset. - Author: Wallace Shawn

Emotions And Reality Quotes #112355

#27. There needs to be understanding that anger never helps to solve a problem. It destroys our peace of mind and blinds our ability to think clearly. Anger and attachment are emotions that distort our view of reality. - Author: Dalai Lama

Emotions And Reality Quotes #142818

#28. The erruption of feelings & emotions that follows a near-death exerience, or any event that causes us to stop & look deeply at the reality of our lives, is ripe with the potential for insight & clarity. - Author: Allan Lokos

Emotions And Reality Quotes #175300

#29. Love is just a mask. All we search is a Comfort, Acceptance. Consolation. Affirmation. Assurance. Indulgence. Isolation. Absolution and Remission. - Author: Sarvesh Jain

Emotions And Reality Quotes #191791

#30. If you do not master the art of self discipline- you will succumb to the emotions and reality of regret. - Author: John Assaraf

Emotions And Reality Quotes #258579

#31. All experiences, emotions, behaviors and beliefs, that make us humans, are the creation of various intricate and inexplicable molecular interactions within the brain. - Author: Abhijit Naskar

Emotions And Reality Quotes #268654

#32. It's been said that horror films are experimental forms of art, and I agree. As an actress, you're put in positions and have to experience emotions that are way beyond reality, whether fighting in a post-apocalyptic world or being possessed by the Devil. - Author: Ashley Bell

Emotions And Reality Quotes #320885

#33. Stating a truth in an emotional way does not make what we say irrational; our beliefs being severed from truth and reality do. - Author: Patty Houser

Emotions And Reality Quotes #376253

#34. Never let yourself be swayed by emotions,' her mother had said. 'Emotions are fleeting. They come and go. But reality stays with you forever. - Author: Monica Fairview

Emotions And Reality Quotes #34134

#35. The difference between lonely and lovely is only of one single alphabet. That single alphabet is called Friends. - Author: Sarvesh Jain

Emotions And Reality Quotes #449635

#36. Never ever let a stupid criticise you. And as we already know, everyone is stupid. - Author: Sarvesh Jain

Emotions And Reality Quotes #480083

#37. Teens wanted things that were real, that they connected with, it doesn't have to reflect reality directly. They love 'The Hunger Games' not because it's real in that it happens, but the emotions there are real, and it's very relatable. - Author: David Levithan

Emotions And Reality Quotes #535353

#38. In an age of synthetic images and synthetic emotions, the chances of an accidental encounter with reality are remote indeed. - Author: Serge Daney

Emotions And Reality Quotes #569367

#39. The erruption of feelings & emotions that follows a near-death exerience, or any event that causes us to stop & look deeply at the reality of our lives, is ripe with the potential for insight & clarity. - Author: Allan Lokos

Emotions And Reality Quotes #628237

#40. Alternative descriptions of the same reality evoke different emotions and different associations. - Author: Daniel Kahneman

Emotions And Reality Quotes #634174

#41. It is wise for people to learn how to control their emotions instead of allowing it to overwhelm them and making them behaves irrational. - Author: Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Emotions And Reality Quotes #661350

#42. On the one hand, our minds try to probe the ephemeral reality of the quantum world; on the other, we talk, think, and act in a language adapted for discussing trees, rocks, and automobiles
as well as poetry and emotions. - Author: F. David Peat

Emotions And Reality Quotes #812466

#43. Postmodernists believe that truth is myth, and myth, truth. This equation has its roots in pop psychology. The same people also believe that emotions are a form of reality. There used to be another name for this state of mind. It used to be called psychosis. - Author: Brad Holland

Emotions And Reality Quotes #904751

Ignoring Our Emotions Is Turning Your Back Reality

Source: https://quotestats.com/topic/emotions-and-reality-quotes/

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